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How to Set Up Apache Kafka: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners


Apache Kafka Kafka Tutorials Kafka for Beginners Kafka Architecture Kafka Use Cases Kafka vs RabbitMQ Kafka Zookeeper Configuration Kafka Server Setup Kafka Broker Configuration Kafka Topics and Partitions Kafka Integration with Spring Boot Kafka Consumer Group Kafka Monitoring Tools Kafka Performance Optimization Kafka Security Best Practices Kafka Producer API Kafka Consumer API Kafka Real-time Streaming Kafka Windows Installation Kafka Pub/Sub Pattern Kafka Logs Management Kafka GUI Tools Kafka Event Streaming Kafka Message Queue Kafka Distributed Systems Software Development Tools for Data Analysis Custom Software Development


Apache Kafka is one of the most popular event streaming platforms in the world. It supports both open-source and commercial options, making it a versatile choice for handling large-scale message streaming and real-time data processing. Kafka is based on the Pub/Sub (Publisher/Subscriber) model, which enables the seamless exchange of messages between producers and consumers.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the Kafka installation process, configuration, and provide steps for Kafka topic creation, producer-consumer setup, and integration with Spring Boot.

1. Download Apache Kafka

  1. To get started with Kafka, visit the Apache Kafka official website and click the "DOWNLOAD KAFKA" button located in the top navigation bar.

     2. Then you'll be redirected to Apache Kafka Download Page. Once on the download page, select the latest stable version of Kafka (we recommend using the most recent version) and download the binary version.


2. Install and Configure Kafka

  1. Extract(Unzip) the Kafka zip file you downloaded.
  2. Move the extracted folder(unzipped folder) to the C: drive and rename it as kafka (For example: C:\kafka). Important: Avoid deeply nesting the Kafka directory (don't go deeper inside the C: drive to make the URL more complex) to prevent potential errors like “The input line is too long when starting Kafka.”

  3.  Before getting started with Kafka, a few configuration changes are required in the below property files.

    1. Configure zookeeper.properties

      1. Navigate to C:\kafka\config and open the zookeeper.properties file.
      2. Find the dataDir property and update it to the following:


    2. Configure server.properties

      1. Similarly, open the server.properties file in the C:\kafka\config folder.
      2. Locate the log.dirs property and change it to:


3. Start the Kafka Server

Once Kafka is configured, it’s time to start the services. Please visit the Apache Kafka QuickStart for more information.

Step 1:  Start Zookeeper Service:

Open a command prompt in the C:\kafka directory and run the following command to start.

 Command: .\bin\windows\zookeeper-server-start.bat .\config\zookeeper.properties

Step 2: Start Kafka Broker Service:

In a seperate terminal window, still within the C:\kafka directory, execute the following command to start the Kafka broker:

       Command: .\bin\windows\kafka-server-start.bat .\config\server.properties

 Once the services are successfully started, Kafka will be running on port 9092.

After executing these above commands you may see that as per our above configuration a new tmp folder is created inside the C: drive and new 2 folders are generated inside the temp folder to maintain logs.


4. Create a Kafka Topic

With Kafka up and running, it's time to create a Kafka topic.

Step 1: Create Simple Kafka Topic:
Open a new terminal window and run the following command to create a new Kafka topic:

.\bin\windows\kafka-topics.bat --create --topic myFirstTopic --bootstrap-server localhost:9092

Step 2: Create a Topic with Custom Partitions:
For more advanced configurations, you can specify the number of partitions and replication factor:

.\bin\windows\kafka-topics.bat --create --topic partitioned-kafka-topic --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --partitions 3 --replication-factor 1

5. Create Kafka Producers and Consumers

  • Kafka uses the Pub/Sub (Publisher/Subscriber) pattern to handle events and message streaming process.
  • To add messages on the Kafka topic we need to create a Producer (In Kafka world Producer is the word using for Publishers)which produces the message and a Consumer (In Kafka world Consumer is the word using for Subscribers)to consume that sending message by listening to that Kafka topic.

5.1 Create a Kafka Producer

To produce messages to the Kafka topic, run the following command:

Command: .\bin\windows\kafka-console-producer.bat --topic myFirstTopic --bootstrap-server localhost:9092

Now, you can enter messages, and they will be sent to the myFirstTopic Kafka topic.

5.2 Create a Kafka Consumer

To listen for messages produced to the Kafka topic, open another terminal and run:

Command: .\bin\windows\kafka-console-consumer.bat --topic myFirstTopic --from-beginning --bootstrap-server localhost:9092

After creating both Producer and the Consumer, you may try out sending some messages to the Kafka topic from the Producer to see whether the Consumer is able to consume those messages through the Kafka Topic demonstrating real-time streaming.

6. Monitor Kafka Topics and Partitions

To better visualize and monitor your Kafka topics and partitions, you can use a Kafka management tool. This allows you to manage topics, consumers, and brokers through an intuitive graphical interface.

Download Kafka Tool:

Visit the following link to download Kafka Tool: Kafka Tool Download

This GUI tool will help you interact with your Kafka instance and manage your topics, partitions, and messages with ease.

7. Kafka integration with a Sample Spring Boot Project

Integrating Kafka with a Spring Boot application is a common use case for building real-time messaging systems. Here’s a simple integration setup:

Spring Boot Kafka Producer and Consumer

For a complete example of Kafka integration in a Spring Boot project, you can refer to these GitHub repositories:

These repositories provide ready-to-use examples of both Kafka producers and consumers within a Spring Boot application.


Apache Kafka Kafka Tutorials Kafka for Beginners Kafka Architecture Kafka Use Cases Kafka vs RabbitMQ Kafka Zookeeper Configuration Kafka Server Setup Kafka Broker Configuration Kafka Topics and Partitions Kafka Integration with Spring Boot Kafka Consumer Group Kafka Monitoring Tools Kafka Performance Optimization Kafka Security Best Practices Kafka Producer API Kafka Consumer API Kafka Real-time Streaming Kafka Windows Installation Kafka Pub/Sub Pattern Kafka Logs Management Kafka GUI Tools Kafka Event Streaming Kafka Message Queue Kafka Distributed Systems Software Development Tools for Data Analysis Custom Software Development

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